5 Dr. Pepper 12-packs for $5 (No printing required)

Hello, my name is Bree and I am a soda junky, especially Dr. Pepper.  Unfortunately, admitting it hasn’t helped the problem and neither does finding deals like this.  I got five 12 packs of Dr. Pepper for $5.  That is between .08 & .09 a can.  And I did not have to print out any coupons.  This is so easy to do, just follow the guidelines below before 7/31/2014.  Hurry!

Your first step is to go to Walmart and pick out your 5 (12 packs of any variety Dr. Pepper).  When you are ready to check out, you will need to tell the cashier that you are ad matching the Dr. Pepper to Target who has it on sale right now: Four 12 packs for $12, making them $3 a case.  They have never asked for proof of the ad, just tell them verbally before you check out and make sure it is rang up correctly.  Save your receipt!!

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Then when you get home, have your receipt handy and click here: http://drvsusa.com/bash/ or on picture below for the rest of the details.


I went to the store today, took the picture of my receipt with my phone (make sure photo is clear, shows Walmart, Dr. Pepper purchases & date) and emailed it in to address listed above.  In less than an hour, I had a code to redeem for another code, which allowed me to get my $10 Walmart egift card.  I printed it out so I could use it in store, but you can also just use the code online at Walmart or Sams.  So you paid $15 for the soda, but you got back $10 to use on another trip, making your grand total $5 for 5 12-packs!  So easy!  Now I am stocked up for all of my BBQ parties this summer!


Comment and let me know if you redeemed this great offer!  Who will you share your Dr. Pepper stash with?

5 Comments Add yours

  1. bettsie says:

    Just me!!! lol I love Dr. Pepper!!! And it is the TEXAS state drink Right?.


    1. bettsie says:

      I could share it with my neighbors or my volunteer friends, but I won’t. Because I love Dr. Pepper and I just don’t want to share it. the neighbors can have coke, rum, vodka, water whatever but not my Dr. Pepper.


    2. Breetalks says:

      Because Dr. Pepper started in Texas, right Bettsie? Stock up and enjoy!


  2. Laura says:

    I am also a fellow Dr. Pepper lover but that is way too steps for me! lol


    1. Breetalks says:

      It’s so easy, Laura! You can do it! So cheap!


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